Nutrition Panel Report includes Coffee for the First Time


This year is the first that The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) included coffee in their Scientific Report. The information about coffee and its nutritional properties have been greatly explored in recent years, demanding scientific research to settle conflicting claims. As more research is conducted we will learn more about our beloved beverage that motivates many of us to take that first step out of bed each morning. The report declares “strong and consistent evidence shows that consumption of coffee within the moderate range (3 to 5 cups/d or up to 400 mg/d caffeine) is not associated with increased risk of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer and premature death in healthy adults.”, there is still health concerns due to the cream, sugar and other additions that make it into your cup of coffee. Read the DGAC’s response to the possible health risks of additional ingredients in your cup of coffee below.

“It should be noted that coffee, as it is normally consumed, frequently contains added calories from cream, milk, and added sugars. Care should be taken to minimize these caloric additions.”

SRC: Discover more of The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee 2015 Scientific Report at: