4 Reasons to have another Cup of Coffee

Sasquatch Coffee 4 reasons to have another cup of coffeeOur understanding of how coffee effects people’s health has been making major scientific progress lately. Its seems each month there is a new report explaining a discovered benefit to drinking coffee that we previous didn’t realize. Liver Cancer, Type 2 diabetes, Prostate cancer and blood pressure are just a few areas of health where research shows coffee consumption as beneficial. Don’t rethink that third cup of Sasquatch Coffee, instead get yourself a refill and then read more health benefits from drinking coffee, below.

Life expectancy

Coffee drinkers live longer. A review of 20 studies including more than 970,000 people found those who usually drank the most coffee had a 14% lower risk of dying prematurely from any cause, compared with those who drank the least.

Even drinking just one to two cups a day conferred an 8% lower risk.

Decaffeinated coffee drinkers who had two to four cups a day still had a 14% lower relative risk of premature death than those who didn’t drink coffee at all.

Lung cancer

Watch you total coffee intake to lower your risk for lung cancer. Studies of more than 100,000 adults found those with the highest coffee intakes had a 27% higher relative risk of lung cancer.

Every extra two cups of coffee per day was associated with an 11% greater risk of developing lung cancer.

There were only two studies on decaffeinated coffee and they had the opposite finding: a 34% lower relative risk for high decaffeinated coffee intakes.


Drinking more that one to two cups of coffee when pregnant may not as be risky as once thought, but it’s worth being cautious.

The relationship between coffee and risk of miscarriage and other adverse pregnancy outcomes in older research studies was more likely to be seen in poorly designed studies, especially for outcomes like low birth weight and congenital anomalies.

Some of the risk of miscarriage was probably confounded by the fact that women with severe morning sickness, which is a sign of good implantation of the embryo, tend to cut down on coffee due to nausea.

SRC: Learn more health benefits of regular coffee consumption at:  theconversation.com/health-check-four-reasons-to-have-another-cup-of-coffee-40390