The Bad Habit that’s Good for You


The bad habits of the past have become the healthy practices of today. Coffee has gone through major transformations from being good to being bad and now it is considered good again. The major reason coffee has gone from the naughty list to the approved list is because of the progress in scientific research. Scientific studies are constantly finding more health benefits related to the consumption of coffee. Read about the historical changes of coffee below.

People Think It’s Bad For You Because: Historically, coffee has been thought to be wildly unhealthy. People have pointed fingers at your daily cup of hot caffeine for decades, claiming it is the culprit behind health horrors like heart attacks, cancer, and stunted growth. Basically, coffee has been blamed for everything short of bewitching the neighbor’s livestock.

It’s Actually Good For You Because: Not only does coffee not give you a heart attack or make you unable to grow tall enough to reach the top shelf at the grocery store, it’s actually full of antioxidants — and studies have proven that coffee offers many health benefits.

Chemicals contained in coffee have been shown to fight Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Type 2 diabetes, and liver cancer, as well as improve memory. Studies have even shown that women who drink two to three cups of coffee a day are 15 percent less likely to be depressed than their caffeine-eschewing sisters. So chug away (though you might want to stick to regular coffees, not crazy coffee drinks that are full of chocolate chips and ice cream and candied bacon and what-have-you).

SRC: Learn what other habits were once considered bad for you that are less frowned upon today at: