Almond Coffee Green Smoothie

Sasquatch Coffee_Coffee_Almond_Green_smoothieYour morning smoothie and coffee in and all-in-one package, we think this smoothie is a great recipe and a great addition to your morning.


5 ice cubes
2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/8 cup whole raw almonds (about 12-18), optional
1 cup baby spinach
1 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso (or instant coffee)
honey or pure maple syrup, to taste
1/2 of a frozen banana
Blend all ingredients in a blender on liquify, or highest speed, until smooth. Serves one large or two small servings.


  • I’m not a fan of instant coffees at all, but, instant espresso does seem to work really well in recipes like this. Feel free to use a shot of cooled espresso in its place.
  • I like the texture that the raw almonds add to this, but you can absolutely omit them.
  • You can use romaine or kale in place of the spinach.

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