Brewing Coffee at Home

Sasquatch Coffee_brewathomeIf you are drinking Sasquatch blends, you know you already have great coffee. But did you know that your brewing technique has the ability to make your coffee even better? Read a few tips about brewing coffee at home.

Okay, so you know what coffee should taste like, but how do you get the best flavor on a consistent basis?

It should come as no surprise that coffee educator Meister had more tips to offer than anyone else. Here’s what she had to say:

  1. Start out with the best stuff: good beans, a good grinder, and a brewing device you’re comfortable using.
  2. Always grind your coffee at home. Roasted coffee is volatile, and the fresher it is, the better it will taste. Don’t put it in the fridge or freezer. Aside from the question of taste and freshness, frozen coffee will develop condensation that can cause rust in your grinder.
  3. Don’t be afraid to experiment and get things wrong. Comparatively taste and make adjustments (grounds, water quantity, temperature) to your recipe and parameters. Don’t just assume that your first try is correct!
  4. Try other brewers and coffees. Don’t get stuck on just one way of doing things.
  5. If all you have is an automatic machine, you can still experiment. “Your car can operate in cruise control, but that doesn’t mean you get to take a nap behind the wheel,” Meister concluded.

Surprisingly for a guy who invented a (granted, brilliant) $200 drip coffee maker, Hughes advised that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to make great coffee. Most of the pricey coffee gadgets out there, he suggested, are designed to automate the brewing process—his own Invergo brewer included.

There’s nothing wrong with convenience, but automating the brewing process is more or less antithetical to the spirit of experimentation Meister espouses. Hughes said the quickest, cheapest route to a good cup is an accurate thermometer, a good grinder, and a cheap manual brewer like an AeroPress.

Here is a video about coffee brewing methods:

SRC: Read the complete article here: