Celebrate Easter With DIY Dyes With Sasquatch Coffee!

Happy Easter! Are you ready for all the chocolate and egg hunts?

Dying eggs is an Easter tradition that actually predates Christianity, the major religion that celebrates it! It was once thought that dying eggs held Pagan roots but the evidence for this is not consistent. However, eggs being a symbol of fertility and life, made them the perfect for the symbolism involved in the holiday.

Whether you celebrate Easter for religious reasons or you just enjoy the chocolate and the egg hunts, dying eggs is a fun and creative activity. You can use store-bought dyes and those annoying wire rings, or you can get creative with the items around your kitchen and make your own dyes!

Using food items like onion skins, cabbage, and even coffee, you can get beautiful dyes with items in your cupboard.


Here is a guide for your own all natural DIY Easter Egg dyes.

Getting Started

Vinegar is a key part of the dying process. Once you pick out one of the ingredients below for your dye, measure out:
1 Quart water
2 tablespoons of white vinegar
Then boil your dyeing agent, water, and vinegar, together, before lowering the heat and simmer for 30 mins. Drain out the bits and set your new homemade dye aside.

What You Can Use:

Tumeric: 3 tablespoons
Onion skin: 4 cups of onion skins or roughly 12 onions
Red-cabbage dye: 4 cups chopped cabbage
Beet dye: 4 cups chopped beets
Coffee dye: 1-quart black coffee. Use this instead of water.

Color Glossary
Natural dyes work a little differently than artificial ones you get at the store, so they may not always come out predictably. However, you can use this general coloring guide to get the best match for the colors you want.

For deeper rich colors:
To get a Deep Gold color, boil eggs in turmeric solution for 30 minutes.
For a beautiful Sienna color, boil the eggs in the onion-skin solution for 30 minutes.
You can get Dark, Rich Brown by boiling the eggs in black coffee for 30 minutes.
Pretty Oranges  Soak eggs in room-temperature onion-skin solution, 30 minutes.
Beautiful Royal Blue  Soak eggs in room-temperature cabbage solution overnight.

For pretty pastel colors:
Light Brown: Soak eggs in room-temperature black coffee, 30 minutes.
Light Pink: Soak eggs in room-temperature beet solution, 30 minutes.
Light Blue: Soak eggs in room-temperature cabbage solution, 30 minutes
Lavender: Soak eggs in room-temperature beet solution, 30 minutes. Follow with room-temperature cabbage solution, 30 seconds.
Pale Yellow Soak eggs in room-temperature turmeric solution, 30 minutes.
Chartreuse: Soak eggs in room-temperature turmeric solution, 30 minutes. Follow with room-temperature cabbage solution, 5 seconds.
Salmon: Soak eggs in room-temperature turmeric solution, 30 minutes. Follow with the room-temperature onion-skin solution, 30 minutes.

Try out some of your favorite Sasquatch Roasts this Easter, and dye some beautiful eggs! You can’t go wrong with our French Vanilla flavored favorite the Abominable Snowman. Don’t miss our Tree Knock Coffee for that velvet chocolate creme brulee finish perfect with chocolate bunnies!


Martha Stewart: Dyeing Eggs Naturally

Huffington Post: Easter Eggs History

Holiday Spot: The Easter Egg, Its History, And Origin

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