Get a Better Fit with Your Coffee Filters

Sasquatch Coffee_Coffe_FiltersDoes it ever seem that your coffee filter has a sub-par fit with your filter basket, despite it being the correct size? Well, it turns out that is a problem that many encounter:

Anyone who uses cone coffee filters has at one point wondered why the filters are ever-so-slightly irritatingly big for their coffee machine.

No matter how much you try to make them fit, they stick up out of the machine and you can’t shut the top without crumpling the filter.

Apparently we’ve been ignoring the most important part of coffee filters. Notice how two edges [of a coffee filter] have those weird, textured lines?

Apparently they mean something VERY important, if you are detail-oriented enough to read the side of the coffee filter box (hint: we’re not).

The answer to one of life’s most pesky problems has been in front of our faces forever. You’re supposed to fold those edges so that the filter actually fits in your coffee maker.

According to the box, which we have now read extensively, the “double crimped” edges are there for extra support so the filter doesn’t burst while it brews your coffee. Folding the sides makes your filter more durable and BONUS: it makes the filter actually fit into the coffee maker.

It’s seriously THAT easy. Prepare for the most cathartic moment of your life.

SRC: Find more photos with the original article