Take the 7-Pack Coffee Sampler Test


Take the 7-Pack Sampler Test to discover your personal favorite Sasquatch Coffee Blend or Roast. Here is what you’ll need to do, first order a 7-Pack Sampler, after you receive your sampler try a different Sasquatch Coffee each day and reflect on the aroma and flavor. After your test week is complete, you may want to try a couple of your favorites again to see if your response to the aroma and flavor stay the same. Once you have found your personal favorite (or three) you can order a full-sized bag for a reliable and enjoyable coffee experience each morning. Finally, leave a review explaining your experience with the 7-Pack Sampler test to encourage others to take the test.

Know what kind of Sasquatch Coffee drinker you are with the 7-Pack Sampler Test. Start the test at: squatchcoffee.com/product/7-pack_sampler/