The Power of the ‘Coffee Nap’ Explained

Coffee cup

What is a coffee nap? A coffee nap is when you drink a cup of coffee followed by a 20-minute rest, you don’t have to actually fall asleep. During this 20-minute rest some amazing things happen that allow you to feel rejuvenated with a midday energy boost. According to several UK studies,[5, 6, 7] when subjects took a 15-minute coffee nap the scored higher on a diving simulator test. Not an example person? That’s okay, we have provided the scientific explanation of how a coffee nap works below.

Adenosine makes you feel sleepy by slowing down your brain’s nerve cell activity; so when caffeine binds to your receptors instead of Adenosine, the reverse happens.

When caffeine takes Adenosine’s place in the receptors, it has the opposite effect; the nerve cells speed up giving us that jolt of caffeine energy and focus.

So, what does any of that have to do with a 20-minute power nap? The brilliance of the coffee nap is that sleep naturally clears Adenosine from your brain. From the moment you drink your coffee to the moment you metabolize it is about 20 minutes of pure opportunity to not only rest, but to open up those Adenosine receptors to the caffeine you just imbibed.

Sasquatch Coffee is a wonderful choice of coffee to use for your coffee nap. Discover your favorite Sasquatch Coffee today.

SRC: Learn more about The Power of the ‘Coffee Nap’ at: