Timing your Coffee for Best Advantage

Cup of Coffee

According to Health magazine, you’ll benefit more from your coffee’s kick if you sip later in the morning after your cortisol levels dip back down. A 2009 study concluded that we have a natural cortisol spike when first waking up, boosting our alertness before a single cup of joe. Read more about drinking your coffee at the most advantageous time of day below.

Drinking coffee an hour before a workout can increase muscle strength, according to a new study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Pitching an idea to your boss?

Enjoy a cup or two as you prepare and you’ll have better recall for up to 24 hours, one study found.

SRC: Discover more about Timing your coffee for best advantage at:  www.dailyherald.com/article/20150927/entlife/150929539/