Coffee for Catherine Russell


Catherine Russell has held the Guinness World Record for the most performances in a role, since 1987. This Off-Broadway actress has never been kept from the stage due to illness, flu or cold. In fact she has gone almost three entire decades without missing work, how does she do it? Catherine shares her keys to good health and they include love, good genes, staying active, faith and one last thing coffee. Read below to learn why Catherine Russell attributes years of great health partially to her indulgence of that Cup of Joe.
Russell’s day begins at 5:30 a.m. with coffee, catching up on the computer and reading the newspaper. She teaches mornings, then runs off to the theater. “Basically, I work all day and then am on stage at night and go home,” said Russell. “I don’t have the luxury of feeling tired.”

SRC: Read more about Catherine Russell and her long healthy career at: